This cycle is coming to an end, folks. On to cycle #5! I'm praying that this will be the lucky one, even though I'd be due right before the holidays.
I'm going to talk with Dan (the campus center minister) on Thursday about the job opportunity I applied for there. I have a few other prospects on the horizon as well, which could bring in some extra $$. Any money I make will be going straight into savings for baby/house/car.
It's tax season, and we already have all of our documents ready to go. I think we'll probably go to H&R Block this weekend and file. :-) I'm not sure if we'll get a refund or not, but hopefully we won't have to pay much. (By the way, I LOVE living in a state that has no state income tax. It is wonderful)
I am in the middle of a cleaning rampage through my house. It has been neglected for far too long, especially considering I stay at home. I filed all of our paperwork, and I'm in the midst of doing laundry. I still have a lot to do:
-clean bathroom
-tidy kitchen
-mop kitchen and bath
-water plants
I really need to buy a new, bigger file box to keep all our paperwork in. We currently have two small accordion files, but they are full to the max. It's a bit ridiculous, really.
I'm still working on my homespun scarf. I think I may send it to my mom when I finish, since I really don't need another scarf right now. She kept commenting on what a pretty color it was when I was visiting her last week, so I think she'd like it. :-)
I use :-) too much. I apologize for that, but it probably will not stop.
I made homemade bread last week. It turned out wonderfully, and I am pumped about adding this to my repertoire of housewifely accomplishments.
This concludes my most rambling-est blog post to date. Your comments are encouraged and I await their arrival in my inbox anxiously. TIA!