
Job search

So, obviously I am in the process of looking for a new job. This is a tough economy, as we all know, and that combined with the fact that it is just after the holidays means that the available jobs right now are not looking too hot. Sure, there's plenty of work-from-home "opportunities", several jobs for medical professionals, and even a few office assistant jobs out there, but nothing that I look at and say "hmm, I wouldn't be completely miserable doing that!". Until today, that is!

I decided to give job hunting on Craigslist a go. And I found 4 chiropractic assistant job listings, to which I immediately applied. I'm thrilled about this for a few reasons - the jobs I've applied for are not terribly far from here (and the further-away ones I applied to can be traveled to using the less-trafficky roads), chiropractic is closely related to massage therapy and I might actually be able to use some of my skills, and it would be a step in the right direction career and personal wise (hello, gainful employment!).

Anyway, I would greatly appreciate any prayers, good karma, vibes, and crossed fingers you can throw my way. Hopefully I will at least hear back from one of the places and land an interview. :)

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