
More Changes

Well ladies (and gentlemen? I have no idea.), I may have decided upon something that will change my life. I am looking into going back to school to be a massage therapist. I know it seems like this is coming out of the blue (trust me, I know!), and I still have some praying and seeking to do, but it is looking like a real possibility.

I am drawn to MT for many reasons - the ability to help people, the chance to work for myself (and the flexibility that will bring to scheduling), learning more about the human body/being in a health & wellness related field. I know that going back to school may be tough, and that I still won't be 100% happy with my job all of the time, but I think it would be a great improvement over the kinds of jobs I've had and the job I have now, and I really believe I would enjoy it a lot.

I am looking at 1 school in particular right now, based on the advice of the massage therapist I went to see this week. This school is part of a chiropractic college, and because of that has access to and observation time in a gross anatomy lab, which is very rare for massage therapy schools. It also provides more clinical and classroom hours than required by the state, which should = really knowing and understanding what I'm doing by the time I graduate. It is an 8 month program, and I would most likely start in May. That is only 2 months away, people!

If I do this, we will most likely stop trying actively for our first child, at least until I have been in the program for a few months, so that I will be able to finish before potentially giving birth. We will probably also put off moving until after I graduate, in order to help build our savings a little more and to avoid putting extra stress on me while I'm in school. Ideally we will be able to create a massage studio in our future home so that I can work from home and avoid paying to work in someone else's studio, but it will depend on several variables, of course.

That is where I'm at right now. Tyler and I are going to continue praying about this, but unless we get the feeling that this is definitely not something I should be doing, it is the most probably course for my future at this point. :-)


Elaine said...

I'm excited for you. Good luck in what ever you decide to do.

aLLie said...

that's super exciting!!